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How to import your podcast to Acast

In 3 clicks and 3 minutes, get all your episodes and notes onto Acast.

Updated over 6 months ago

It takes just 3 clicks and 3 minutes to get all set up with Acast.

Because we have had so many podcasters switch from other hosting services to Acast, we've built tools to make the process as simple and painless as possible. 

Specifically, we've built a smart tool to fetch everything—your audio files, episode notes, images, keywords, the whole kitchen sink—and bring those onto Acast's platform. And, most importantly, you won't lose any of your hard-earned followers either (breathe a welcome sigh of relief there).

The first screen you'll see when you log-in to Acast is this—two BIG buttons—one of which says Import Existing Show.

Reminder: Before you import your show with Acast, if you have dynamic ads in your episodes, you need to turn them off. Disabling monetization will allow you to import episodes ads-free. After turning them off, depending on your current host, you might need to wait 24 to 72 hours to import your show. Also, make sure that the number of episodes you have with your current provider matches the number of episodes appearing on your screen during import.

Now, when you are ready, follow these steps:

1. If your podcast is on iTunes, simply start typing in its name in the search bar, then click it. (Be sure to type its name exactly, capital letters and all—the iTunes search is a bit tricky.) If your podcast is not on iTunes, enter your RSS feed URL directly in the field.

Once selected, check that your number of episodes is right and click Import.

You can follow the progress along and confirm that all episodes are going through.

Check here how to confirm that your import didn't complete.

2. Follow the instructions to redirect your podcast feed from your old host to Acast. You will get customized guidance on how to do this, and it's very simple. Get extra help from our Help Center or just chat with us for assistance.

3. Set up your podcast for distribution on iTunes and other apps. If your podcast is already on iTunes or other podcast platforms, then the redirect step above will take care of maintaining the distribution without any action from your end. If you're distributed on Spotify, you will want to update your host information.

Congrats! You're all set.

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