Every podcast has an email address, and, like every public podcast, this email is public on the web. To help our podcasters avoid unwanted spam, Acast masks the email address in your RSS feed.
This is why you may see an email address like info+5dsca7351af@mg.acast.io
when you are signing up for a service like Spotify.
This is your email address in disguise. We automatically forward mail from Google, Apple, Spotify and other legitimate sources to the email address you specify in your Show Settings.
However, if you'd prefer to have an exposed email address — and any subsequent spam that results — you can turn off the email mask. This can be useful when you are not receiving codes - to claim your show or your account - from platforms like Spotify or Apple Podcast.
Here's how to unmask your email in your RSS feed:
Click on your show and go to Settings
Scroll down to the Advanced section
Toggle the Obfuscate email button off
Don't forget to click Save
We highly recommend turning it back on as soon as you have received any of the emails you're expecting.