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Revenue Dashboard

View how much ad revenue your shows are earning

Updated over 4 months ago

Access to the Revenue dashboard is available for shows monetised by ads, and access can be granted by your network's Admin.


The Ongoing tab shows an estimation of ad revenue that your shows have generated from campaigns booked by the Acast sales teams. Campaign Manager revenue from booked campaigns is excluded.

You can view revenue for the current month and previous month. All data is refreshed daily. Three indicators are displayed:

  • Audio Ad Revenue - Revenue from Audio Ads. Usually non-host read

  • Sponsorship Revenue - Revenue From Sponsorships. Usually host-read

  • Total Revenue - Audio Ad + Sponsorship revenue

  • Programmatic ad revenue is not currently available as an ongoing revenue estimation

On the left, you can view the top brands sorted by revenue. You can click on the See All Brands button to view all brands for the selected period. For each brand, the following info is displayed:

  • Brand Name

  • IAB category

  • Estimated revenue

On the right, you can also view the top shows ordered by revenue. You can click on the See All Shows button to view all shows for the selected period.

The All campaigns table shows all campaigns that were booked during the selected period, the shows they ran in and the revenue they generated.

All selected data is exportable as a Comma-separated Values file by clicking on the Download Report button. You can filter the report by Date, Show and include the following categories:

  • Top brands by revenue

  • Top shows by revenue

  • All campaigns


The Payouts tab shows historical information about revenue earned through advertisements. Revenue can be viewed on a monthly basis, broken down by show and revenue type.

Revenue breakdown

Revenue from different types of advertisements is paid out to creators at different times, based on how they are calculated. The total revenue bar provides a detailed breakdown of what makes up the total revenue, and when it was earned.

In the example above, the billing month is October - this revenue is made up of ads and sponsorship revenue from September, and programmatic ad revenue data from August.

Top shows by revenue

Revenue for each billing month is also broken down by show, with the top earning shows available directly on the dashboard. Click 'See all shows' for a full breakdown of all shows in your desktop.

Note: Any billing month's revenue must exceed $100 in order to appear under the Payouts tab. Once the billing threshold has been reached by your network, it will appear as a payout.

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