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Audience Surveys: Creating an Effective Audio Call To Action (CTA)
Updated over a week ago

Once we have sent you the survey link, the next step is to make sure it’s shared as widely as possible. One of the best ways of encouraging listeners to complete the survey is to appeal directly to them, using your voice and creativity to remind them this is an easy way to support the show.

By creating a short, host-read audio clip you can quickly ensure that your listeners hear your message across all your episodes.

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask your listeners to support you - loyal and engaged audiences want to help the show and keep it running, and this is an easy way for them to do so.

  2. Add your own personality and appeal to your audience - we’ve provided some examples as a starting point, but feel free to add jokes or incorporate your unique voice.

  3. Keep it short - listeners might end up hearing the message more than once, and that’s a good thing, as it will remind them to respond. You want to say enough to encourage them to take part, but then get on with the show they love.

  4. Direct them to the link more than once - pointing them to the link in the show description once at the start of the intro, and then again at the end, is a proven way to get people to take action.

Once the audio is ready, you can add it to your episodes using the Intro tool in show dashboard. This means it will run at the start of all your episodes, and can easily be removed once the survey is no longer running.

Here are some examples of messages about audience surveys to inspire you to get started:

Example 1:

Hi there podcast listeners, [host name] here with a quick message. We want to hear from YOU to make this show as great as possible. We have an audience survey, and if you have a few minutes to spare it would be incredibly helpful if you could fill it out. You’ll find the link to it in the show description.

The survey will help us find out what you think is working on the show, and it also helps us to attract sponsors to the podcast. It gives us information which we can use for that and, well, having sponsors is actually what helps us keep the show free, for you.

So, the link to the survey is in the show description, thank you for helping us out if you have time. Here’s this week’s show!

Example 2:

Hi, this is [host name], host of [show name]. One thing that makes this show possible is by selling sponsorships to advertisers.

One way you can support us in getting more sponsors is telling us a little bit about yourself. You can do that by filling out a quick survey at the link in the show description. Plus, your answers will help us learn what you love most about the show, and how to make it even better.

The questions will ask about you and things that help advertisers understand our audience. It will only take a few minutes and is an easy way to help the show.

Find the link in the show description. Thank you and stay tuned for the rest of the episode!

Example 3:

Here at [show name], we know that time is a precious commodity. And we value your time too, which is why we want to make sure that the ads that run on our show are the right fit for our audience.

So, we’ve created a short survey to find out what we should advertise on the podcast. Some of these questions will be about your demographic information, because that’s the best way to learn how to get sponsors you will be interested in.

We’ve put a link in our show description and on our website. You’re going to be helping us out so much by taking a few times to fill out. Show time!

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