Did you receive a statement and are about to send us an invoice? Here you will find all the information we need in order for us to process your invoice for payout based on the country you reside in.
All invoices should be sent to podinvoice@acast.com in a PDF-format. For example, when you prepare the invoice in Word or Excel format, you will need to do as “Save As” and select PDF from the File Type/Format dropdown. No other attachments are allowed except the invoice itself. Note that this mailbox is automated and strictly for invoice reception only.
Tired of sending invoices and want to move over to self-billing in the future?
Please reach out to podpayment@acast.com and they will bring you up to speed if self-billing is available in your country and with your current situation. If you prefer sending invoices, please scroll down to your country/area to see what we need your invoice to contain.
If you already accepted self-billing but have not provided us with your bank details, please contact podpayment@acast.com.
Information needed per country
Customer (our) address: Acast AB, Kungsgatan 28, 111 35, Stockholm, Sweden, org nr: 556946-8498, optional: VAT number: SE556946849801
Supplier (your) company name, address, org nr and VAT Number
Invoice number
Invoice date and due date
Payment terms: 60 days
PO number (can be found on your statement, the number followed by #)
Net Amount, VAT amount (25%), Total amount
If VAT exempt, reference to relevant regulation
Should state: Godkänd för F-skatt
Bankgiro, Plusgiro or personal account number
United Kingdom
Customer (our) address: Acast Stories Ltd, Acast Studios London, 37 Bevenden Street, London N1 6BH, United Kingdom, org nr: 09040006 VAT number: GB202004785
Supplier (your) full name/ company name, address
Invoice number
Invoice date and due date
Payment terms: 60 days
PO number (can be found on your statement, the number followed by #)
Net Amount, VAT amount , Total amount
Bank Information
Customer (our) address: Acast Stories SAS, 64 avenue parmentier, Paris 75011, France, Corporate ID no: 848766663, VAT number: FR46848766663
Supplier (your) full name/ company name, address
Invoice number
Invoice date and due date
Payment terms: 60 days
PO number (can be found on your statement, the number followed by #)
Net Amount, VAT amount, Total amount
Bank Information
Customer (our) address: Acast Stories GmbH, c/o Forvis Mazars GmbH & Co.KG, Acast Stories Gmbh, Theodor-Stern-Kai 1, Frankfurt 60596, Germany, Company reg. no: HRB 205265 B, VAT-number: DE327698121
Supplier (your) full name/ company name, address
Invoice number
Invoice date and due date
Payment terms: 60 days
PO number (can be found on your statement, the number followed by #)
Net Amount, VAT amount, Total amount
Bank Information
Customer (our) address: Acast Stories Ireland Ltd, Iconic Offices, The Greenway, Ardilaun Court C, 112- 114 St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland, Company number: 661047, VAT-number: IE3661296SH
Supplier (your) full name/ company name, address
Invoice number
Invoice date and due date
Payment terms: 60 days
PO number (can be found on your statement, the number followed by #)
Net Amount, VAT amount, Total amount
Bank Information
Other countries within EU
Customer (our) address: Acast AB, Kungsgatan 28, 111 35, Stockholm, Sweden, org nr: 556946-8498, VAT number: SE556946849801
Supplier (your) full name/ company name, address
Invoice number
Invoice date and due date
Payment terms: 60 days
PO number (can be found on your statement, the number followed by #)
Net Amount, VAT amount (0%) , Total amount
Bank Information
If VAT registered revere charge applies and the following information should be included: Supplier (your) VAT number and the text "Reverse Charge
Customer (our) address: Acast Stories AS, c/o Columbi Regnskap og Rådgivning AS, Tykkemyr 27, 1597 MOSS, Norway, org nr: 922061084, VAT number: NO922061084 Supplier (your) full name/ company name, address
Invoice number
Invoice date and due date
Payment terms: 60 days
PO number (can be found on your statement, the number followed by #)
Net Amount, VAT amount, Total amount
Bank Information
Customer (our) address: Acast Stories Pty Ltd, Level 2, 17 Randle Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Australia, ABN number: 30 619 624 823 ,
Supplier (your) full name/ company name, address
Invoice number
Invoice date and due date
Payment terms: 60 days
PO number (can be found on your statement, the number followed by #)
Net Amount, GST amount , Total amount
Bank Information
New Zealand
Customer (our) address: Acast AB, Kungsgatan 28, 111 35, Stockholm, Sweden, org nr: 556946-8498, VAT number: SE556946849801
Supplier (your) full name/ company name, address
Invoice number
Invoice date and due date
PO number (can be found on your statement, the number followed by #)
Payment terms: 60 days
Net Amount, VAT amount (0%), Total amount
Bank Information
United States
Customer (our) address: Acast Stories Inc., 136 Crosby Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10012, United States
Supplier (your) full name/ company name, address
Invoice number
Invoice date and due date
Payment terms: 30 days or 60 days
PO number (can be found on your statement, the number followed by #)
Total amount
Bank Name and Address
Account holders name
Routing number (ACH payment)
Account Number
Customer (our) address: Acast Stories Canada Inc., c/o Business Sweden, 2 Bloor St. W., Suite 2120, Toronto ON M4W 3E2, Canada, GST/HST Registration: 746601277 RT0001
Supplier (your) full name/ company name, address
Invoice number
Invoice date and due date
Payment terms: 60 days
PO number (can be found on your statement, the number followed by #)
Net Amount, GST/HST amount , Total amount
Bank Information
Customer (our) address: c/o JA Del Rio, Acast Stories Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V, Av. Paseo de la Reforma No. 265, piso 16-1602, int. 206, Colonia Juárez, Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de Mexico, CDMX CP. 06500, Mexico, Tax Number: ASM2002193W1
Supplier (your) full name/ company name, address
Invoice number
Invoice date and due date
Payment terms: 60 days
PO number (can be found on your statement, the number followed by #)
Net Amount, VAT amount , Total amount
Bank Name
Account holders name
CLABE Number (18 digits)
Other countries outside of EU
Customer (our) address: Acast AB, Kungsgatan 28, 111 35, Stockholm, Sweden, org nr: 556946-8498, VAT number: SE556946849801
Supplier (your) full name/ company name, address
Invoice number
Invoice date and due date
Payment terms: 60 days
PO number (can be found on your statement, the number followed by #)
Net Amount, VAT amount (0%), Total amount
Bank Name
Account holders name
Account Number